Steps On How To Make Your Own World Cup Balls
Make Your Own TeamGeist!
Haha, so Sylvia sent me an email on how to make your very own TeamGeist, which is the official World Cup ball. I'm sure it's by, a famous blogger from Malaysia but it's on my email so I shall post it for all of you. It's brilliant and maybe some of you don't know where they got the designs of the ball from. Well, it comes from a very product that is intimate to ladies...shy-ed away from the guys...uhm yea.

Yea, this is how the ball looks like.

Hahaha fecking brilliant. A work of the genuis, kennysia that is. Credits will be to him of course with his brilliant creativity and taking his time to do up this..informative piece of article. Oh and of course THANK YOU SYLVIA for sending me the email. She asked me to credit her anyway so there you go.
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