This BETTER Be True...
Lampard is being a right tit about Barton being in the squad, won’t talk to him, pass to him, all that stuff, and just got up to move to another table at breakfast when Barton sat at the same one. Apparently as soon as he stood up and moved, Barton called after him "Don’t worry, I wasn’t going to nick your breakfast you fat prick" and Lampard threw a hissy fit and stormed out.
Nice one, Joey.

No source, but it's on all various forums heh
prolly made up, okay, so i'm a gerrard fan and not a lampard fan, but all these derogative remarks really annoy me. can't we just let lampard fans be lampard fans? i think gerrard is a whole heap better, but there are people who don't agree and they;re entitled to thier opinion. i think we should be free to praise our favoured players, but don't put down others. it's mean! and he's not fat. i'm positive there are plenty of people, including hte people who posts such comments who are less fit than frank lampard.
give him a break.
Of course these are the on-running jokes about Lampard and I'm sure he doesn't go down too well with people because of his stuck up attitude towards West Ham fans and of course recently, Joey Barton.
As you've said, everyone's entitled to their opinions so there'll always be people who will make a joke out of him.
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